Custom Teacher Stamp

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Over 20 000 imprints in any colour.

Self-inker with built-in ink pad – L


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Any wording you want: *


Custom Teacher Stamps consist of:
  • One self-inking stamp with any colour ink pad included.
  • This design is larger that the other stamps.
  • Ink pad has over 20 000 stamp impressions.

This durable stamp will last very long because of the over 20 000 imprints it gives – great news for teachers! Afterwards you just replace or re-ink the ink pad. This is an all-in-one self inking stamp which means the pad is inside the stamp mechanism itself (so no loose pieces). It is compact and will not take up a lot of space in the drawer or pencil case. The mechanism size is 45 x 45 x 90mm and the imprint size is about 31mm x 31mm. It gives nice clear imprints.

This is the perfect gift to your favourite teacher on their birthday, teacher’s day or as a thank you at the end of the year for all their hard work. They come in different designs, colours and languages. Please keep in mind the length of your teacher’s surname when you choose the perfect design for them as this effects the end result. Feel free to email me with any other personalised design on for a quote.

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Choose any ink colour:

Add Blue ink pad, Add Green ink pad, Add Purple ink pad, Add Red ink pad, Add Yellowish Gold ink pad, Included

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