Gift Stickers (English)

SKU: XMAS-GS002-Silver&Gold-PLN-ENG Category: Tags: , , ,

24 x Personalized Gift Stickers/Set

R150 for 1 set
R140/set for any two sets
R130/set for any three sets
R120/set for any four sets +


Gift Sticker *


Gift Stickers sets consist of:
  • 24 x Personalized gift stickers in your set in a variety of designs  (the 6 designs shown above x 4).
  • They are all made from vinyl sticker.
  • Each set is packaged individually in a flat envelope.

These gift stickers are great for yourself and as a personalized gift to someone special. You get these six designs x 4 in your set to make up the 24 personalized stickers. They are all made from luxurious vinyl sticker (not paper sticker) that makes them easy to peal and stick since they do not tear like a paper sticker. The shapes and sizes vary around 51 x 51mm more or less. Your stickers come complete in a flat clear envelope to keep them protected and together. Give them with matching gift wrapping paper or bags for a memorable and thoughtful gift. Add any other sets of gift stickers (with its own name and design) and save a lot more!

  • R150 for one set.
  • R140/set for any two sets.
  • R130/ set for any three sets.
  • R120/set for any four or more sets.