
Meat Labels

SKU: meat022-army-brown-afr Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , , , ,

24 x Personalized Stickers/Set

R150 for 1 set
R140/set for any two sets
R130/set for any three sets
R120/set for any four sets +

R150.00 R120.00

Meat Labels *


Meat Labels consist of:
  • 24 x Personalized vinyl sticker labels in your set.
  • Edit the lines to suit your information in any language.
  • If you want less text lines just put a point (.) in the blank space block provided.
  • Please keep in mind the design and the space needed for your own wording.
  • All labels are waterproof and suitable for washing, wiping and freezing. 

These stickers are made from luxurious glossy vinyl sticker (not paper sticker) that makes them the perfect finish for all meat packaging. It can be wiped clean after it was adhered to any clean, dry, flat and nonporous surface. Stick them on before freezing the meat. The shapes and sizes vary around 51 x 51mm (for the square and round shaped ones) or 33 x 77mm (for the long shaped ones) more or less.

This is the perfect gift for someone who likes to hunt or pack/work their own meat. There are small, medium and large designs available that can be used together or on their own to suit all your meat packing needs. Whether it is to commemorate a hunt or to be able to differentiate between different meats and their uses. Making it even more personal and special when you give these goods to someone else labeled as your own. Add any other sets of meat sticker labels and save a lot more!

  • R150 for one set.
  • R140/set for any two sets.
  • R130/ set for any three sets.
  • R120/set for any four or more sets.

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